Sunday, August 3, 2008

Where is Humanity?

This was written by me for my community on Orkut...on Feb 16,2007...
The community is called "Where is Humanity?" and I wrote all that stuff after I was inspired to do something and bring a change to the World after watching "Hotel Rwanda"...
And yeah, I belong to that group of people who are motivated by books and films...
To be honest, I initiated it to do something, but I didn't care about it after a few days...
I really want to do something for the all those less-privelaged people, but I don't know where to start...
Here goes the essay...
We call ourselves,Humans,as the greatest creation of God,don't we?
And that because we feel our brains are so fully developed and we have the power of "Thinking".
We feel,by defying nature,we can call ourselves powerful and intelligent.
It is a well accepted theory that Mother Earth was born around 4.55 billion years ago.
And we think we are so very Intelligent and Powerful because we have been able to achieve so much in just 200,000 years of our existence.
Well,have we ever considered how much pain and suffering we have created in the World for petty things like Money,Power and Luxury?
Have we ever been as humane as our name suggests?
This community is for those who would like to bring a change in the way we "live" and treat others.
I'm not trying to preach but I'm just trying to remind ourselves what really is the meaning of "Life".
Live and let others live.

and here is the link for those of you interested...

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