to da bestest bunch of ppl in da world..who sit in one class and screw up each oder...but not wen sm1 else is at stake...we love each oder lyk hell...but make sure we "bakrafy" oders weneva we have a chance...our gang's got all sorts of breeds in it...from nice dignified luking assholes to cheapo straight true assholes :D...lemme start off according to da roll-no's...no cheap tricks here... :D...
Aukath-raghav-gadu...one of da most popular ppl in clg...cm off it yaar, he knows almost every oder guy in da campus...from da most lousy assholes, to nerds to da most popular pl in clg...a swthrt...gr9 to hand 'roudn wid...and surprisingly, is more mature dan wat his 6'2'' bald hefty frame shows [:P]...
banda uncle-kishore-da topper of da gang...we treat him to be einsten of da gang...relli intelligent(imagine, i acknowledging sm1's intelligence :D)...a true donga naa koduku...likes one "aunty",get it guys? :P...but helps every1 around...
juttodu-shiva sharath-da branded bboi of da grp...wears only branded stuff, doesn't go to any restaurant which doesn't ridiculously over-price stuff and a true joker bboi...and mad abt bikes...
pottodu-sandy-joker bboi...fun to be around..sm1 who's got a i-go-where-mah-frnds-go attitude guy...tries to portray himself as a goon and a dada...but a relli nice guy to be around...fulltoo TKR fan-following :D...
santhu-potti-counter-bboi...evadi nanna counter latho champalanety veedini pilisthey saalu...saava godathadu...extremely popular among gals...everyone lykes him to be 'round...and da potti yedava doesnt luk lyke it but can drink bottoms-up :D...
happy reddy-santosh...fun-loving fella...fun to be round...baaga saduvutadu...
konga-sharath-da giraffe bboi...sm1 u want to be around wen u r in a problem...if he cant do anything else, he'll atleast listen to u :D...nice guy...and is usually santhu's butt of jokes :D..
shanky-alladin-OMG!...every gang needs sm1 lyk shanky to be around...will screw u up widin 10 mins if u sit beside him in da class...and he's miraculously spontanoues..has got a reply for everything and dat cmes out in da first 10 millisecs after da question's been asked :D...and he puts up dat i-am-goddamn-innocent-teacher face weneva we r caught and dat makes us laugh more :D...imagine, "Q: who's da father of linux...shanky's reply-bal gangadhar tilak" goddamn it...
da captian of IT team...shivaRAM...he's gonna screw me up for calling him ram and stuff...if possible, more popular dan aukath...everyone knows him...goddamn popular among lecturers...a gud leader...clever (clever, not intelligent)...and can be a relli gud politician..diplomatic...
next is me...u have to judge me from mah blog and mah comments..soo :D...
pottodu-chitti nayudu-thupaki lachanna..srikkanth...another clever guy...cool one to hang 'round wid...is 6 feet tall but is still called pottodu coz of her gal..get it? :D...
suthe...da mumbai-bboi...all classy and stuff...extremely gud wid gals..all over da campus...relli nice guy to be around...and charming wid gals as hell...and plays sm amazing basket ball...
vijay shanker-u have to be around him to actually have fun..he's such a silent killer...doesn't say anything aloud but has got dis killer lines...
vyv-vivek...super-cool...relli relli nice...sorta silent types, but wen he's in full flow, he's awesome...sm1 who's dere for u wen u have a problem...and lykes ppl to be around and frndly and stuff...relli cool and bindaas under pressure...but weneva he's in a problem, his innocent masoom face saves him :D
so, dat's all of us guys...lyfe's gr9..having fun...and thanx to all dese guys coz mah clg lyfe's gonna be goddamn memorable... :D