Wednesday, July 6, 2011

far eastern philosophies

A quick note up here. Been reading Robert Twigger's Angry White Pyjamas since yesterday, started reading Hagakure and watched Sarvanand's Andari Bandhuvayya today. There's something about a totally clean conscience you know. About using your instinct more than your head, about letting your intuition guide you. The soul is cleansed only after it passes through the fire of pain, after the realization that sacrificing all that you have is easier than sacrificing all that you are. De-cluttering, unlearning is a million times tougher than doing the opposite. Like the famous Zen koan says, "As long as the cup is not empty, all the water will only spill out." The sheer insight of ancient wisdom. There's a line in Orange, in the end, when the hero says, "I've given up everything for her. All that I can give her now is me." The self-effacing freedom in giving up everything for the one thing. Maybe that is moksha. Giving up everything for your simple minded belief in bliss. Talking all this, understanding all this, like Twigger says, intellectualising all this is far easier than experiencing all this. But talking will take us nowhere will it? Or maybe it will, because, like the Hagakure discourses, "First intention, then enlightment."

1 comment:

Deekshith Vemuganti said...

fuck! been thinking about the same pieces of thoughts and that is very difficult to cleanly and solely follow your conscience. The rational or the so called logical parts of your brain keep obstructing you and then its all about how successfully you go beyond them and leave everything and may be yes, thats something called moksha!